‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 8 video: Dana & Matt trudge through the desert
Friday night’s new episode of “The Amazing Race” is going to feature a wide array of different locations in and around the great city of Dubai, but don’t be surprised that there is something that is both in the desert and features a camel.
Heck, don’t even be surprised that we have the return of the famed Travelocity Roaming Gnome on this leg, as the little guy is going to be hauled around for a little while. There is a part of us that does hate these in-show plugs, but at the same time, there is something so silly about the brand integration here that we’ve never minded it. The gnome is always just along in order to have a good time, and doesn’t really get in the way as any sort of significant distraction to anything else that is going on. With that in mind mind, you might as well keep including him!
The real drama in this sneak peek comes almost entirely courtesy of watching Dana & Matt squabble for the first time in weeks, at least to a certain extent. We do actually understand where both of them are coming from. For Matt, he’s obviously a laid-back guy and is probably trying to be very conscious of the cameras that are on him while Dana is starting to get frustrated with him. Yet, at the same time we understand her frustration and then some if she is dealing with someone here who, for one reason or another, really is not showing any emotion. With that, you never quite know where he stands or precisely what he is feeling, and that can be tough.
We’ll be back later tonight with a review of this episode, and hopefully that’ll include a chance to figure out if these two can emerge from the middle of the pack.
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