‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Campaign conundrums

Raul -There are so many embarrassing moments from the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds today that we don’t even know where to start. Take, for example, Ramsey not knowing if people can hear them when watching the live feeds, or Raul thinking it’s good strategy to tell people that it’s good to keep him because he’s a strong player … or Raul not seemingly understanding that there are only a few people that make it to the end.

It may be better for Kelsey to take more of a reserved strategy this week, mostly because Raul’s been such a hot mess with his campaigning almost all day. We didn’t expect him to get anywhere with it, and he really hasn’t. More of the interesting stuff is going to come up next week. Jared / Kelsey could remain a big target, but the same ultimately could be said for Maddy and Ramsey.

At the moment, Tim and Nikki to us are clearly in the best spot even still. There are people at least considering Tim (with Phil being one of them), but the majority of players have other fish to fry for the time being. That’s what makes things all the more interesting with Canada picking the two contenders to be the next HoH. The winner will then be decided by chance.

Since we know that Nikki will probably be one of the two people given the chance to get the title, who would she put up? This would be interesting to us. Tim would probably try to influence her heavily, but she hasn’t liked Cassandra getting so close to him. Would she do what he wanted, or what she feels like in the moment? We feel like we need a glowing “to be continued” sign here…

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