‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Raul and the great Have-Not punishment

Raul -We gotta be honest here: We really did not expect there to be a whole lot of breaking news from the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds on a Tuesday afternoon (there’s still more than a day of campaigning to go), but somehow this happened courtesy of Raul and his selfishness.

To sum things up, earlier today he decided that he really liked the look of Tim’s sandwich, and then decided to take a little bit of a bite of it … coupled with a lot of everything else. The dude didn’t just break Have-Not rules; he obliterated them. For one reason or another, we’re not sure why in the world he has such a hard time with food, given that he previously tried to hide brownies from the rest of the house. We’re not sure how he expected them to not be stale once he finished being a Have-Not, but whatever.

Of course, Raul expected a punishment for it, and this is the sort of thing that could easily assure that he ends up getting evicted on Thursday. he was basically sentenced to be stuck outside in isolation until the morning. This is terrible for his game, since it keeps him from being able to plan things out. Not only that, but it takes away the pool, the workout area, and the hot tub from the rest of the house. Do you think that they are going to be happy about this? It’s hard to imagine that they will.

Ultimately, be ready to see a lot of Raul sitting alone outside for the next day or so.

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