‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 8 preview: Sheri & Cole get lost in Dubai
Next week, “The Amazing Race” is heading from Georgia to a much hotter climate in Dubai, and an environment that could not be more different than what the teams encountered in the French Alps earlier this season. We’re ultimately getting a dose of extreme heat, and maybe a little bit of a blast-from-the-past challenge.
Remember the water slides? The main reason we remember them is because of a really uncomfortable challenge on them many seasons ago, where Mika & Canaan were eliminated mostly because Mika refused to go down one of them. The Harlem Globetrotters, racing then for their first time, actively tried to get in her head to make her more afraid to do it. Other than this moment … wasn’t it really just an especially scary water slide?
We’d be shocked if there was any sort of further freakout for this particular challenge, mostly because these things have clearly been open for a long time now and if people could die, they really wouldn’t be making them do it, right?
Also in this episode, it apparently seems as though Kurt & Brodie could at one point be too exhausted to move after a racing task, while Sheri & Cole find themselves completely lost, which is really not a place you want to be when you consider that you are in one of the hottest climates possible where dehydration can happen almost at the drop of a hat. They’ve been able to overcome some obstacles so far, so who knows? Maybe they will find a way to do it again.
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