‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 spoilers: Iwan Rheon teases Ramsey’s story

LogoGiven that we’ve already lost some noteworthy “Game of Thrones” villains like Joffrey, Stannis, and Tywin Lannister go on the show over the years, and with Waldur Frey missing in action on the show as of late, it may be fair to say that Ramsey Bolton is one of the most-hated people left. Do we really have to give you a list of reasons why? The guy is just a jerk, and there’s not a whole lot to him when it comes to redeeming qualities.

With this being said, there could be some rather-interesting developments still to come, at least based on what the actor behind the role in Iwan Rheon had to say to Entertainment Weekly:

“I get to do loads of different things and show sides to Ramsay that you haven’t seen before. This season fills him out a bit. We pick up in the aftermath of last season when Sansa and Theon have escaped.”

Wait, what exactly does a different side to Ramsey even mean? This isn’t someone we can see ourselves ever rooting for, even if he does become vulnerable or in any sort of danger. We feel like in between what he did to Theon and Sansa, that’s pretty much the entire book on this guy. We do like to think someone as terrible as him will get their comeuppance, but who knows? Maybe it will be a little bit of time before that happens, but we should have some more news on the subject fairly soon.

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