‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Mitch goes partial ‘mogul’

Mitchell -We want to start off this particular “Big Brother Canada” article by calling to mind a clear distinction.

Partial Mogul – Telling someone that you have a YouTube channel with millions of subscribers in the real world.

Full Mogul – Making sure the cameras are fixated on you, acting saying the word “mogul” to other people in a serious conversation, and then declaring that your sister was a “mega mega pop star.”

The difference between Mitch this season telling Raul tonight the truth about his ASAPScience YouTube channel and the amount of followers he and his boyfriend have, as opposed to Frankie Grande of “Big Brother 16” making a huge spectacle of his announcement, really is night and day. It’s easy to compare then based on the fact that they were both at their core strategic moves, but Mitch’s is better. For him, he really knows his back is against the wall, and in giving this information to Raul tonight he is cluing him in on a part of his life no one else knows, and trying to make him feel special. He’s forging a personal connection, and while we think a part of this is due to him just wanting to tell someone the truth before he likely goes, he may also be trying to cause Raul to change his mind in the event of a tie. Frankie did it just because he wanted to make a big show.

Do we think that this is going to work? Probably not, since Raul seems to at least think that betraying Kelsey and Jared is a bad move if there’s a tie … even though we think it could be good since they would almost surely be the next two out, and maybe he could buy some time elsewhere.

If you missed it, head over here to get our review of tonight’s “Big Brother Canada” episode. Also, sign up over here to secure some more TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)

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