‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Was Mitch’s Veto speech one of the best?
On Wednesday night’s new episode of “Big Brother Canada,” we got a chance to finally catch up on some of the live-feed content that we missed over the weekend when they were down. Also, we got a chance to see a Veto Speech from Mitch that we had heard quite a bit about on the feeds ever since they happened.
Being the big fan of the game that he is, Mitch was someone who really tried with every fabric of his being to figure out how to get Jared, Raul, and Kelsey on his side. The problem here is that the latter in particular has seen the writing on the wall, especially when it comes to figuring out precisely what he is capable of as a game-player. He’s super-dangerous, and she has become more than aware of that thanks to her time in the Secret Suite.
Jared won the Veto using a few strategic moves, which proves further that he is at least a decent player (albeit a very flawed one when it comes to his alliances and the people he chooses to work with). From here at the Veto Ceremony, Mitch made an awesome speech where he talked about removing the Third Wheel like they were cancer from the game. It was super-entertaining, and the more we see from the guy, the more we like him … and the more we are frustrated by how a twist has really screwed him over when he would have probably won the game otherwise.
Twists do reign supreme with this show, so for the time being we do just have to accept them. We are getting some good entertainment from Mitch as a result, but “what could’ve been” is something we will be left wondering for a while. Grade: B.
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Spunky Nugget
April 7, 2016 @ 10:58 am
It honestly p*sses me off how BBCAN’s twists ruin hg’s games. This isn’t the first time this has happened, either.