‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Maddy’s clued in; punishment on Mitch’s birthday

Maddy -Happy birthday, Mitch! What do you get? How about a punishment for the whole “Big Brother Canada” house?

We do feel bad for the guy right now. First, he’s liable to be screwed over by a twist, since Kelsey and Loveita have really had a chance to observe precisely what he is doing in the house from afar. Now, the behavior of many of the other houseguests (which includes napping at improper times, singing, not following directions, and more) has led to them losing their hot water and hot-tub privileges for an undetermined period of time. This happens often in the house, since the players get lazy and after a while start acting super-annoyed with Big Brother over telling them what to do. Nikki is of course particularly unhappy, and hopes that it will come on a little bit later.

Also, Easter weekend is turning out to be a bad one for Maddy, who more or less learned from Tim that she is going to be going on the block. He assured her that he is doing what he can to protect her, and has assurances from both Nikki and Cassandra that they will not vote her out. However, that doesn’t mean she will go. We’ve already heard some conversation about making a personal decision versus making a game one; it feels fairly clear at this point that there are not many people who are huge fans of Maddy in the game, but she’s also far less of a comp and social threat in the house. Dallas may be a terrible strategist, but he is loyal and he can win physical competitions.

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