‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 3: How will Malick’s daughter inform the character?

Agents of SHIELD -

For those of you who enjoy “Agents of SHIELD” for all of the little surprises, we have to imagine that you appreciated getting to see some of Gideon Malick’s daughter (Bethany Joy Lenz) on the show this past week. She’s someone coming aboard now with her own agenda, but what is interesting is that we’re not just going to learn about her through her story; we’re also going to learn more about her father, his motivations, and how the two of them function as a whole.

Just in case you’re curious enough to get a few other teases right now, here is what executive producer Jeff Bell had to say on the subject to Entertainment Weekly:

“What’s interesting to me about the end of that [episode] is it seems like she was just raised in the family business … It’s not what you expect. Powers Boothe really has done a great job this season, and not just being like ‘I’m a heavy bad guy, head of Hydra,’ but we really take him to interesting places going forward and I think he does a great job. A big part of that is the relationship he has with his daughter. I look forward to you getting to see that.”

For the most part, our hope is that this character sticks around for a little while, and we get more chances to get to know her steadily. We’ve already got our supernatural villain in Hive, so the longer we can have Gideon and those close to him around, the more that SHIELD has an intellectual rival.

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