‘Elementary’ season 4, episode 18 preview: Can Sherlock find love again?

ElementaryRelationships are hard. This is something that Sherlock Holmes comments on in the latest “Elementary” promo below, and we know that to be even more true for him than anyone else. This is someone who does struggle mightily with connecting, and it is probably that much harder when the person you connected to previously turned out to be a notorious criminal.

The promo below for Sunday’s new episode “Ready or Not” is nice enough in that they actually give you a brief glimpse of Natalie Dormer as Moriarty, which is ironically the largest glimpse we’ve had of her on the show in a while. Unfortunately, her busy schedule has made it rather hard for the show to get her back, which is somewhat of a shame given just how integral the character is the overall mythology.

As for Holmes’ new potential love in Fiona, the synopsis below details a little of what you can expect to see:

“When a survivalist doctor goes missing, Holmes and Watson must determine whether he’s purposely gone off the grid or if he’s a victim of foul play. Also, Holmes exhibits odd behavior when his romantic relationship with Fiona (Betty Gilpin) hits a critical point.”

Will Sherlock push her away because of his past, or try to actually embrace it instead? This could be something that Watson ends up helping him with, given that she understands relationships and can very much lend a helping hand to him in the episode.

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