Is ‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 6 new tonight on CBS? The next destination and more


Race -If you have a hunger to see more of “The Amazing Race” on the air, trust us when we say that we’re right there with you! Unfortunately, there is one more week to go until the show returns following NCAA basketball monopolizing CBS’ time on Friday night.

Luckily, we do at least have a few more details about the next new episode, courtesy of a recently-released synopsis from the network:

“For the first time in ‘The Amazing Race’ history, teams travel to Yerevan, Armenia, where an express pass is on the line for the winner of the leg.”

We’re excited to see Armenia featured on the race given that it is not a country we really know a heck of a lot about, and there are some interesting things presumably that the teams can do there. More than anything, we’re just excited at this point anytime that the show visits a country that they have never been before, given that we are 28 seasons in and the possibilities are getting more and more narrow over time.

As for the Express Pass turning up all the way in episode 6, we’re not sure how we feel about that since we really would like to see it out of the race and used up sooner rather than later. At this point, it really just seems to be making the rich teams richer, and there hasn’t been another team yet that can show that they can consistently top either Kurt & Brodie or Tyler & Korey.

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