‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Lines in the sand
Other than the news that “Big Brother Canada” is having a fake double-eviction show on Thursday, which is news that many people out there may have heard about already, was there anything particularly eventful about Wednesday’s episode? We wouldn’t say so.
The main issue that the show runs into here is that often, there’s really not much drama if the Power of Veto is not used. That was especially the case here, since Dallas was the winner of the Veto. He wasn’t going to use it, even if the show featured him wanting to backdoor Jared. He’s the sort of player who will want to respect the wishes of the Head of Household, especially if there is a fear someone on his side would be put up.
The good news? There were at least some fun things that came out of the Veto, such as Dallas’ new outfit or some of the interesting choices that Jared and a few other people had to make. Still, when that is one of the more interesting parts of the episode, you know that you’re in some trouble. Raul also had a challenge that he had to complete, but he wasn’t exactly thrilled about it at first. Really it took a pep talk from Mitch to get him back in fighting shape.
So as much as there was talk about Jared being backdoored, that didn’t happen in the end. Let’s hope that there is a crazy episode tomorrow to make up for what we had tonight. Grade: B-.
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