MTV’s ‘Awkward’ season 5, episode 14 video: Sadie being Sadie

Sadie -During the midseason premiere last week, “Awkward” showed us that we are definitely in the middle of a transition time for some of these characters. Jenna returned home after her first year of school, and learned in the process that almost nothing is precisely how she left it. Tamara and Sadie are now close friends, Jake and Lissa are dating now, and Jenna doesn’t quite feel like she really fits in to the rest of the world anymore. We get that, especially after watching how some of these people are now acting.

Well, the sneak peek below is basically another fine example of that, since it is basically Sadie encouraging Tamara to spend an insane amount of money on what are effectively fancy-named black tops, while the former is incredibly rude to the shopkeeper at the same time.

Is Sadie a bad influence on Tamara? It’d probably be easy to peg her as that, but we feel like the reality here is actually a little bit more complex. Our feeling is more that Sadie allows Tamara to act a way in which she wants to; she’s been around her for long enough to know how she behaves, and we feel like she certainly has enough control over herself to not behave in this sort of matter if she really didn’t want to. Therefore, we have to figure that this is something that has been there with Tamara; sure, she wasn’t rude in the same way that Sadie was, but she hasn’t exactly been too caring towards Jenna since she returned home.

If you do want to get some other news right now when it comes to “Awkward,” be sure to head over here right now!

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