‘Elementary’ season 4 spoilers: What likes ahead for Sherlock, Fiona?

ElementaryThrough most of the run of “Elementary” on CBS, it may be at least reasonably fair to say that romance really has not been too much of a focal point for the Sherlock Holmes character. After all, how could it be given the way in which he got burned with Irene Adler? That’s not the sort of thing that anyone would be able to come back from in a short amount of time.

What we’ve got for you now are some of the first details for the upcoming March 27 episode entitled “Ready or Not,” and if the synopsis below is any real indication, we’re going to have a chance to see some more tension arise between Sherlock and Fiona:

“When a survivalist doctor goes missing, Holmes and Watson must determine whether he’s purposely gone off the grid or if he’s a victim of foul play. Also, Holmes exhibits odd behavior when his romantic relationship with Fiona (Betty Gilpin) hits a critical point.”

There is some entertainment to be found here more than likely, but we’re also not sure if this is the relationship that is meant to last just yet, either. Holmes is still a lot of guy with a lot to work through, even if he has gotten better since first having Joan Watson enter his life.

Trust us that as soon as more is known about this potential entanglement, we’ll have it for you here! Be on the lookout for those updates in the future.

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