‘The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story’: Has Sterling K. Brown heard from Christopher Darden?
While doing biopics / true-life stories are commonplace for many actors out there, the vast majority of them don’t give you the opportunity to actually speak to the people you are portraying. Often, the inspirations behind your work have already passed on.
That has not happened with “The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story” with at least some people, as Selma Blair spent some time with Kris Jenner and Marcia Clark and Sarah Paulson have formed a bond thanks to the show. So has Sterling K. Brown formed a bond with Christopher Darden? Unfortunate in his case, he has not even spoken with him. Here is what he had to say in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter:
“The most correspondence that I’ve had has been with his daughter via Twitter. Her name is Janae. She’s been watching the show, and she blogs about it. It’s very interesting to get her two cents on what her experience was as a 15-year-old girl when this trial was going on. But no, I haven’t hear from Mr. Darden and I don’t think that I necessarily will and I’m OK with that. I’ve made my peace with it. I think there was initially a part of me watching Sarah and Marcia have the opportunity to develop a relationship and a bit of a friendship, thinking that that might be something in the cards for me as well, but different strokes for different folks. And after walking through his shoes for a little bit, I can see how he’s just not interested in reliving this particular episode of his life.”
We have to imagine that it would be incredibly hard to watch yourself on TV, and that is probably amplified when you consider the fact that this was already once a trial that captured the attention of almost all the country. We’re not sure how we would react in Darden’s shoes.
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