‘The Amazing Race’ episode 5 preview: An avalanche of tasks in the Alps
For those of you out there who really like to see “The Amazing Race” run the gamut when it comes to tasks, there is quite a bit to like about this season so far. We’ve seen teams face the challenge of making fun or setting up tents in the hot Colombian sun, and on Friday night’s new episode there will be an entirely different task awaiting them as they try to figure out the best way to handle the frigid temperatures and high altitude of the French Alps.
Also, the tasks that the teams are facing feel as though they are the most terrifying ones that we’ve seen to date. We wouldn’t be scared of doing some of the stuff that the show has put these people through so far, but flying around in the air in such a high-altitude place would have us more than a little bit nervous. How would you knot be a little bit terrified of that? Maybe some teams, such as Brodie & Kurt given their athletic background, will still be able to push right through.
At the moment, this season feels like a race between these guys, Tyler & Korey, and Dana & Matt for first place. They’re the only teams to have won legs so far, and losing Jessica & Brittany may be good news for them given that they were at least reasonably-sized threats to play a role down the road.
Meanwhile, Burnie & Ashley may be the biggest sleeper team of the bunch. The Rooster Teeth twosome probably would have won this past leg were it not for that inane equalizer that threw almost everyone on the train together right before the pit stop.
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