‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Veto preparation; the joy of Tim
We should start off this “Big Brother Canada” article with a declaration: We love Tim Dormer. He’s going to have a really difficult time winning this game because of his status as an outsider and the general perception that he already has fame, but we really dig the way in which he plays. Rather than being all coy about what people should do, he encourages them to live in the moment and try to enjoy the game. He also feels like it’s just boring to be with the same people forever, so that should make things interesting if he lasts a while.
Oh, and good news on the Nikki front: She’s done melting down following last night, and it doesn’t seem like she’s still keen on giving up her immunity. The same goes for Loveita wanting to get out of Dodge. We still wonder if she’ll really use the Veto on herself or fellow nominee Sharry if she wins it later, but a conversation she had with Jared this morning makes us think that even if she stays up on the block, there’s a chance that she could say.
Throw yourself for a minute into Jared’s shoes. Do you really want to get rid of someone in Loveita who seems to want to check out of the game from time to time? You know she can be a challenge threat, but Sharry seems to be at this point the more dangerous player of the two.
For the most part we don’t consider too many conversations this morning to be hugely important, since right now it feels like Maddy, Dallas, and Ramsey are the likely replacement nominee targets if things do change around. Instead, we’ve been treated to Cassandra advising Kelsey on if she should do anything more with Jared in the house. Our answer? NO! We’ve had enough makeout sessions on “Big Brother” to last a lifetime.
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