‘Big Brother Canada 4’ premiere review: Brotherly lows, and your first Head of Household
There are a few things from Wednesday night’s “Big Brother Canada 4” premiere that should excite you, but there were also a few things that also startled us. Take, for example Philippe and his brother Nicholas getting their spot completely blown up when they tried to pretend that they’re not brothers. Or, the amount that it was emphasized that Las Vegas is apparently the theme for the season.
Or, we could spend the entirety of this article bemoaning the fact that we picked someone to win in Cassandra who has already coined herself a “princess,” and shown basically 0% of the competitive edge or beguiling personality that she had in our pre-show interview. She was the first person out during the Head of Household competition, and as a result of that she allowed Joel to be immune thanks to a twist. Hilariously, we had picked Joel, who we do really like, to be the first person evicted from the house.
Loveita won the endurance Head of Household Competition, which may be a good thing … but we’re not sure. While we do think there are situations where winning this is a good idea, she’s probably not one of those sort of players. She’s too analytical to be able to keep this from going into overdrive over the next few days.
As for some of the players personality-wise, we like the majority of them. The show did a good job of at least giving us a small introduction, and setting up a likely showmance (Jared / Kelsey) and also a likely feud (Kelsey / Maddy). Remember that this is still early, so things clearly can change in the blink of an eye. The brother twist is fascinating even though Arisa Cos already exposed the two guys as liars, and we’re still waiting to see how the international players impact the game. Personally, we’re hoping that the public has faith in Tim Dormer and Nikki Grahame. No offense to the other two, but these are the personalities we think could really be a big spark in the game.
Do we think that Canada over-complicates things? Absolutely, but we also have to say with confidence that this was a heck of a fun first episode that has us amped to see where we go from here. Episode Grade: B.
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