‘Call the Midwife’ season 5, episode 8 (finale) preview: Dr. Turner faces the truth; Sister Evangelina returns
After such a long season with a wide array of highs and lows, “Call the Midwife” will be ending its season 5 run next week with an installment that can definitely be described as emotional. After all, this is an hour of TV where some characters are really forced to face the truth about what has transpired this season, and for some of them this will be a little bit more difficult than others. Specifically, we’re speaking here in terms of Dr. Turner. He’s tried for so long to do the right thing, but some of his own past actions will come back to haunt him in a huge way in just seven days.
As if that was not enough, the synopsis below hints at some other tragedy that could be coming to Nonnatus by the end of the season:
“As Poplar moves towards the season of goodwill, the time has come to accept the things that have passed and look to the future. Dr Turner is forced to do so when the cause of the recent spate of infant limbdeformities is finally uncovered. Realising that his own prescriptions could have exacerbated the tragedy, he jumps into action in an attempt to prevent further damage.
“Meanwhile, Nonnatus House is thrown into disarray by a tragedy even closer to home. Although Sister Evangelina is back at work it is clear that her recent stroke has affected her badly, and that her health problems are not over.
“Elsewhere, Poplar matriarch Tessie is forced to accept that her grandchild has been conceived out of wedlock, but there’s joy all round when the baby is born at the couple’s wedding reception.”
Will there be a few happy moments sprinkled in here somewhere? Probably, but you have to take both the good and the bad with this show. It is perpetually emotional, and also something that is bittersweet when it comes to the few moments of happiness that it does try to hand out.
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