‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 3 review: The great divide

Kurt and Brodie -The third episode of “The Amazing Race 28” was yet another example of chaos, and also the questionable racing ability for some teams this season. Typically when you have a leg of the Race that is set in the same place as the one before it, you don’t see the gap between all of the teams widening. Yet, that happened in a big way on Friday night’s second leg in Colombia.

Let’s start by giving a big round of applause to Kurt & Brodie tonight, who really proved themselves to be every bit the threat that we thought they would be. This is a fine example of how useful language skills truly are on this show! Because Kurt could speak Spanish, he was able to breeze through the Roadblock much faster than the majority of the other teams in the episode.

As for some other teams … well, let’s just say that there were a lot of mistakes from start to finish. For example, Erin & Joslyn and Scott & Blair struggled mightily in the Roadblock, while Zach & Rachel made an enormous mistake counting money at the Detour that forced them to go back. This put the two of them in last place going into the Roadblock, while enabled Cameron & Darius to pass them. We were really feeling for these guys at first, and thought this was going to be a situation similar to Ernest & Jin from last season, who started a race so far behind that they just couldn’t catch up by any means.

Well, in this case Cameron & Darius made plenty of their own mistakes that held them back. During the Roadblock, for example, they just couldn’t figure out what was right in front of them, and that cost them to the extent that Zach & Rachel were able to pass them back. It’s a shame because these two guys were so strong physically and so intelligent; sometimes, though, the race is about life experience, and maybe they just needed a little more patience that they would have a few years down the road.

In the end, we are digging this season … even if it is a little messy when it comes to how the teams are executing the tasks. Grade: B+.

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