‘Major Crimes’ season 4, episode 19 review: The setup; Rusty’s new mission

Major Crimes -

While we have enjoyed many episodes of “Major Crimes” over the years, as someone who watches a great deal of TV we’ve always had one major criticism with the show: There are many storylines that just don’t amount to much from week-to-week. It’s a little bit different and even jarring in some ways to have an episode that is the first in a multi-part storyline, but in the end it’s hard to be anything other than satisfied.

The main thing we learned from this episode first and foremost is that there is still something fishy going on with Mark Hickman character, a former cop who had been dismissed from the force many years ago by his actions. In what we saw from him tonight (which included teaming up with Sykes), is he trying in some way to exonerate himself for his actions? These are clearly things that the show does want us to think about.

The idea of Hickman only came up in the first place in the investigation of a new case that tied back to a particularly haunting one from ten years ago, one that put Provenza through hell and back over the course of the hour. We could see it in his eyes. He and Tao, who was once partnered with Hickman, went through the worst here while the MCU tried to figure out how the pieces fit together. The problem here is that they are far from being out of the woods.

As strong as much of this storyline was, it was smart to intercut still with something about Rusty and trying to find the right ways to help his biological mother. We’re glad to see that he is not being forgotten in all of this, and that all of the stuff with Slider doesn’t seem to be shaking him too bad. Episode Grade: B+.

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