‘How to Get Away with Murder’ season 2 spoilers: The story ahead on ‘It’s a Trap’

HTGAWM -Is Admiral Ackbar about to guest-star on the March 3 episode of “How to Get Away with Murder“? With a title like “It’s a Trap” in mind, we have to at least have a little bit of suspicion! (Okay, not really, but we’d be down for a #TGIT – “Star Wars” crossover where Annalise is a Jedi master.)

Instead, the reality here is that it looks like this installment is going to continue the journey for Wes to learn the truth about what happened to his mother, and also what sort of role Annalise herself may have had in the proceedings. For the time being, what we know is that she has more information than what she is letting on to him, and that at one point, she was pregnant at the time in which she knew Wes’ biological mother. Something clearly happened at some point along the way.

The synopsis below for this episode also teases that Philip is still someone who needs to be dealt with, and Laurel in particular is (finally!) going to have a huge role in the action, something that we personally have campaigned to see for a particularly long time with this show. Commence your celebration after reading:

“With Philip still out there, Annalise tries to keep the team from panicking and get one step ahead of Philip’s threats. Meanwhile, Wes and Laurel start putting the pieces of Wes’ mothers death together, but some things just aren’t adding up.”

You can watch a preview right away for the next “How to Get Away with Murder” episode just by heading over to this link. Be sure to check that out! Also, sign up right away in the event you’re interested in getting some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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