‘The Amazing Race 28’ spotlight: Will Jessica VerSteeg & Brittany Oldehoff steal the spotlight?
When “The Amazing Race” first announced that they were doing a season featuring just social-media personalities, there was of course a part of us that just wanted to release an audible groan. After all, there are so many of these people who are very similar when you think about it, and we thought we could have eleven teams that are all just about a YouTube channel or a Twitter account.
Luckily, the show did find some variety in here, and what is interesting about Jessica VerSteeg & Brittany Oldehoff is that compared to some of the other teams, their social-media base is a little smaller. They may be thought of as underdogs both in terms of their follower count and their racing skill, and as a result of all that they could definitely surprise some people out there.
Relationship – Best friends / models
Claim to fame – Both are former beauty pageant participants, with Brittany being the 4th runner-up of Miss USA 2014. Both are rather popular on Instagram, where Jessica in particular has picked up many more followers since when her bio for the show was written. (She claims that she has about 29,000 across all platforms, but has over 47,000 over on Instagram alone now.)
Strengths – Both ladies claim that they have a decent amount of outdoor knowledge, and are physical and competitive enough to take on a variety of tasks. There is a precedent on the Race for pageant contestants doing rather well, and we think a lot of that comes from being competitive, but also knowing how to express yourself in an easy manner. They should be able to communicate well with most locals around the world, and be under-estimated a little by the other teams.
Weaknesses – Neither Jessica nor Brittany will be the first person to finish a physical task, and we’re also not entirely sure just how much “Amazing Race” they have seen over time other than a crash-course beforehand. They may not be as quick to pick up on some of the nuances of the competition as a result, and that could be used against them by more seasoned fans.
Prediction – Out of the all-female teams we’re the highest on Jessica & Brittany going far and potentially making it to the finale. They’re the perfect under-the-radar team in that they won’t be a huge physical threat, but they’re solid enough there that they should be able to pull off some challenges without too many problems. Also, models do have a lot of travel experience, and that could serve as an asset.
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