‘The Amazing Race 28’ spotlight: Will Matt Steffanina, Dana Borriello dance to the top?
When you think about it, dancers are uniquely qualified to do well in “The Amazing Race.” Many of them travel often to performances, are extremely athletic, have great stamina, and are more often than not used to following long hours. Yes, we do realize that Ernest & Jin were early boots last season, but there were some extenuating circumstances there that caused them to be pushed down the pack in South America.
Matt Steffanina and Dana Borriello (a.k.a. Dana Alexa) are two YouTube sensations who we think have a pretty good chance to making it far this season, but not just because of all of the reasons we list above. They both have a great attitude about this and seem ready for everything that the show has to offer. Also, we think that other teams will like them, and that’ll keep them from being as big of a threat.
Relationship – Engaged.
Claim to fame – Dance choreographers and YouTube stars. Not only do they teach you the moves to some popular songs, but over time you can actually learn to be a better role overall through them. Pretty good; we lack all coordination to be a good dancer, but we always like to see when people are social media are using it for a cool purpose such as trying to help other people while making some cash along the way.
Strengths – One thing that we really like about these two is that they actually have auditioned for the show before even before this crazy idea for the season came up, so they’re real fans who want to be a part of this. Neither of them will be intimidated much by the course, the travel, or seemingly any of the tasks. Also, you know that there’s going to be at least one dance challenge since there almost always is, and they are sure to crush that.
Weaknesses – Are they almost too good of a team on paper? We could see the two of them doing really well through the first few legs of the race, which could cause them to struggle down the road if they have never faced adversity before. Patience could be something that they have to work on over the course of the season, along with of course the stakes that come sometimes with racing with a romantic partner.
Prediction – These two are going to do very well. Maybe they’re even winner candidates, but we’re not making our winner prediction until the premiere. We suspect that there are many contestants this season who were strictly recruited for the race and haven’t really watched it before, and they may be able to take their athletic ability plus their knowledge of the show and spin it to their advantage.