‘Shark Tank’ video: ABS Protein Pancakes look to pack a punch
There is a new episode of “Shark Tank” airing on ABC within a few hours, and we’re going to start our spotlights for the episode now with pancakes … only with a twist.
There’s a reason that ABS Protein Pancakes are called what they are, as they pack in a generous amount of protein into every bite. They are also gluten-free, and balanced to be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Basically, it’s a way for all of the gym rats out there to be able to have something that everybody loves without compromising the diet.
The pitch from the company owners to the Sharks is upbeat and fun, and we think they sell well what the product is … and their physique proves that they are able to eat it without much of a problem.
Here is where the problem comes in for this company, much as it has for other specialty food products on the show in the past. For people who are on a high-protein, low-carb diet where they are not accustomed to pancakes or anything of the sort, these may be delicious. However, how do they taste to a Shark, who eats a wider array of foods and has a very different palette? We’ve seen similar products go by the wayside just because the Sharks didn’t like the taste of them.
One other concern here is the price: These cost over $40 for a one-pound bag; we’re not familiar with the high-protein food market, but we know this is significantly more expensive than your standard gluten-free pancake mix. We think there is a market out there for this, but it’s hard to see it becoming any more than a niche product with that price point and the target audience.
You can see our final verdict on ABS Protein Pancakes tonight in our full review, which will be posted over here! Also, sign up right away to get some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)