‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 6 video: Lucy Hale, Troian Bellisario take center stage in new openings


The sixth season of “Pretty Little Liars” returns to Freeform (the new name of ABC Family) in January, and there are so many different things that are changing to go along with it. For one, you’ve got the new cast photo above … which of course has us wondering why Aria is giving side-eye to Alison, and while Spencer has so much dirt in the car.

Also, you’ve got new intro videos to go along with it! Given that Ali is clearly still alive, these put Sasha Pieterse front and center with the rest of the cast, and they all give opportunities for the main cast to do the signature “shh” at the end. We’d already seen versions of this featuring Ashley Benson, Shay Mitchell, and Pieterse; now, this latest one puts much more of the focus on Lucy Hale and Troian Bellisario.

For longtime fans of the show, seeing Hale do the signature “shh” is hardly the biggest shocker of all time. She did this in the opening for the entirety of the first five seasons, and also the first half of this one. The thing that we’re the most bummed out about here, it’s that for the most part they kept almost everything the same. The only thing that is even remotely different here is that this is the first time that Ali has been out of the coffin.

We’re going to have some more updates when it comes to “Pretty Little Liars” in the near future, so stay tuned!

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