‘The Walking Dead’ season 6 midseason finale: Is Abraham, Rick, Daryl, Sasha in danger of dying?

twdSunday night marks the midseason finale of “The Walking Dead,” and now remains as good of a time as any to start to embark on a journey we are very familiar with already: Predicting who out of the remaining characters will live, and who will ultimately succumb to the madness that is the zombie apocalypse.

What we’ve done here is laid out a case for why certain people will make it and others will not; there are no spoilers, and we’re mostly looking at this from the vantage point of who needs to survive, and whose story is in such a place now where we could see the show dispatching them before the second half of the season begins on February 14.

Likely safe

Rick – While we do not quite think that Rick is 100% immune of dying on this show, they’re not going to take him out of the equation at midseason. To us, it would be much likelier to happen in a finale.

Daryl – Basically, you can copy-and-paste everything we we said above.

Carol – At this point, we’re starting to feel almost like she is more untouchable than even Daryl. Melissa McBride has found a fantastic role here, and it is someone who is both completely badass and an underdog at the same time. There’s nobody like her!

Michonne – It’d just be too random at this point. If she was dying, this isn’t where it would happen.

Glenn – To pretend to kill him off, only to actually kill him a few weeks later, would be the cruellest thing ever. This show is not that mean.

In some danger

Sasha – Given that she was so detached from the world for some time, we’re always going to be worried about her.

Maggie – We can envision a way that the show would be so brutal as to kill a pregnant woman … but it’s still unlikely.

Eugene – He’s not the most important character ever, but what would the motivation be to get rid of him now? It feels like there is better motivation coming for Eugene.

Jessie – She’s really the only person from Alexandria we could see having relevance for a little while. Are you really getting rid of her before Deanna?

Tara – It’s exactly the same thing that we said above with Eugene. We just don’t see the reason to dispatch of her right now.

Carl – There are some comic-book events that haven’t happened to him yet, but the show has given us a history of mixing things up.

You should be worried

Abraham – With his blooming connection with Sasha, we’re starting to think that Abraham has come almost full-circle on the show. He’s opened himself up again, so if he dies, that part of his mission is completely.

Father Gabriel – Seriously, everyone hates him. What more can we really say?

Rosita – Ultimately, there’s never been that much of a purpose for her in the group.

Morgan – The show seems to want to enforce this idea on us that, one way or another, you cannot survive in this world unless you are willing to embrace the darkness. Morgan has moved on from that desire to kill, and we’re not sure what more of his story there is to tell.

Deanna – This one feels almost certain to us. She’s the person in the way from Rick fully taking Alexandria as his own.

Everyone else – Whether it be Aaron, Spencer, or anyone else at Alexandria, none of them are that valuable to the story at this point to keep.

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