Crossover November: Should MTV’s ‘Awkward,’ ‘Faking It’ team up?
MTV has found itself a rather nice stable of comedies led by “Awkward” and “Faking It,” but there is one thing that we have found certainly surprising over the past couple of years: That the two shows have never thought about joining forces. Just look at what they have in common: Both are funny, snarky shows set in and around high school with female leads and racy situations. They are also socially-conscious and try to put a fun spin on some of the biggest issues happening with teens today.
We’re going to examine whether or not the two shows should at least consider crossing paths now in the latest edition of our Crossover November series.
The case for a crossover – First and foremost, humor. How do you think that someone like Lauren would react to meeting Sadie? Could Amy get some advice for Jenna when it comes to handling tricky situations? Something to remember here is that with Jenna now just out of high school, maybe she could be a great mentor to the others and teach them a thing or two about potentially avoiding difficult situations.
Also, it’s a great way to bring more attention to both shows! Neither one of these series are necessarily big hits outside of their target audience, and this could be at least a nice way to bring a little bit more attention to both of them.
The case against it – The biggest reason why this will probably never happen is simply a matter of convenience. For example, “Awkward” may have already filmed their entire series, given that season 5 is in the can and some reports suggest that it’ll be the last for the show. (We know at least that the producers would like to make more, but they may not be able to.) When “Faking It” films, they may not know what the future holds for “Awkward,” and it is hard to structure around that.
Also, how do you bring Jenna and company to Hester High? You’ve got a better chance down the road of getting Amy or Karma to visit a college attended by an “Awkward” character or two. This would be a hard crossover to work out logically.