‘Saturday Night Live’: Larry David will be given $5,000 for ‘Trump’s a racist’ comment

SNL -So was Larry David really joking on this weekend’s “Saturday Night Live” when he proclaimed that Donald Trump’s “a racist” during the opening monologue? Of course it’s a joke, the whole show is a joke! We actually think that it was a really smart move on the part of Lorne Michaels to script this. He knew more than likely that a group called Deport Racism was offering $5,000 to anyone who disrupted the show with this comment, and this was a way to turn it into a joke and also ensure that there would no longer be the fear of someone trying to do that and ruin the show (even though the show was a stinker anyways).

David did joke during the show that he wanted the money (something that Trump joked back he respected as a business man), and as it turns out, the group is still willing to give it to him. Speaking to Rolling Stone, the group’s campaign director Luke Montgomery claimed that he planned on getting David the cash and also a t-shirt for their cause:

“It may have been a joke but it got the point across in a huge way that Trump’s attacks on American children who are US citizens calling them ‘anchor babies’ and threatening to change the US constitution because their parents are brown and Latino is racist … Larry David is our hero.”

We’re not sure about the politics of it all; we’re not a reporter of such matters, and are therefore not in a position to judge whether or not Trump’s appearance on the show helped or hurt him. Our guess is that it probably hurt him, if for no other reason than that it was a pretty terrible, unfunny episode. Entertainment can sway voters often, but that just wasn’t here with this show.

Our guess is that David, if he receives this money, he will promptly donate it elsewhere.

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