‘The Blacklist’ season 3, episode 7 review: Did Samar and Ressler hook up?
Is Tom going to be the hero on this season of “The Blacklist” or will it be Reddington and all of his connections that helps her? Tom has Karakurt in his possession and is dragging him back to Cooper to get him to confess that he framed Liz, but we worry that it won’t be enough now that the director is in a position of power and is pulling all the strings.
Tom brings Karakurt to Cooper’s house for help, but Karakurt is willing to kill himself before giving up information. Cooper’s wife, Charlene, gets an EpiPen and saves him from an allergic attack, but he’s still not talking… no matter how much Tom tortures him.
Matthias is looking for Liz still and goes to the restaurant Tom was waiting at for Liz earlier this season and pushes the waitress into giving him Tom’s phone number. He gives the number to the director and because the director is working with Ressler and the task force, Amir is able to listen in on the phone tap. Tom calls Liz to tell him that he has good news and wants to meet at a restaurant, and even though Reddington disapproves, she decides to meet him. He tells her that he’s found Karakurt, that he’s willing to confess and that Cooper’s going to call Ressler and get started on a plea deal.
Ressler reveals that the director has been withholding information from the team and has the proof to back it up, so the director has until the end of the day to pack up his team and leave. Later Ressler goes to Cooper’s house, but he is unwilling to listen to anything that he has to say about helping Liz because Tom is there. Instead of turning Karakurt over to the officials, Reddington asks Cooper to hold onto him for a bit longer – the Director is working on a way to get his hands on Karakurt as well.
We also had a story tonight that involved Samar and finding out that her brother wasn’t dead and instead was actually being held prisoner – or at least that’s his story. Seeing her reunited with her brother was nice, but it didn’t stay nice for long as he wasn’t exactly honest and had ulterior motives. After capturing him, Samar hands him over to Reddington as a way to help Liz. At the end of the day, both Samar and Ressler are feeling defeated and we saw them hook up! Did anyone out there see this coming? It wasn’t on our radar, but now that it’s happened we want more of this.
This was a great episode for fans of Samar, but if you were hoping to see a lot more of Reddington and Liz, they weren’t as involved in this episode as much as they have been this season. Samar is a great character that never gets enough screen time so this was a lot of fun, especially seeing that Samar and Ressler hook up!!! Episode grade: B-
What did you think of tonight’s episode of “The Blacklist”? Leave us a comment below and tell us what you think of the season so far.
(Photo: NBC)
Lori Crable
November 16, 2015 @ 5:07 pm
You have GOT to be kidding me…you want more Samar/Ressler, guys??? I am in several Blacklist groups on Facebook, and I can tell you that probably 98% of the reaction was “Ewwww! SO wrong!!!!” We do NOT want Ressler and Samar together; we want Samar to be with Aram. You wouldn’t believe the positive chatter when the photo of Aram and Samar was shown in his apartment at the beginning of The Djinn!! (Someone correct me if I referenced the wrong episode.) Geez, don’t ruin this brilliant show with a relationship that has ZERO chemistry!! Aram/Samar. Tom/Lizzie. Ressler/New, NON-FBI Love Interest. Got it??? GOOD!!! Have a nice day!
[email protected]
November 16, 2015 @ 3:07 pm
We never wanted Samar and Ressler to hook up. We don’t like it, still dont, and definately don’t want more! Not sure where you got THAT information. We wanted Samar with Aram, outside the post office. We want Ressler with anyone outside the P.O. We want Lizzie with Tom again.