‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 7 premiere review: Who is after Damon and Stefan?
On Thursday night’s season premiere of “The Vampire Diaries,” Damon got drunk. He also got upset. Finally, he said some sarcastic stuff. Basically, this is more or less the Damon you remember from the early seasons of the show.
This episode is one that we’d consider for the most part to be a winner, largely because of what the writers were up against in suddenly having to create an entire story without someone you perceived to be your series lead. Nina Dobrev’s Elena was certainly mentioned often, and was no more prevalent than when Damon, at least for a split-second, saw Bonnie’s life flash between her eyes. He knew what that would mean for her and Elena, while at the same time he also realized that Bonnie was his best friend now. It was really this that caused Damon to realize his need to spring into action.
Stefan and Caroline – Oh, they’re totally still a thing. While seeming at first like they were going to keep things slow between the two, they did kiss by the end of the episode … but after a lot of crazy stuff unfolded regarding the Heretics in Mystic Falls and her attempt to blow them up went completely down in flames (in some ways literally).
The bad news for Caroline is that Enzo seems to have chosen to side with Lily, and that means that she doesn’t have him now to seemingly rely on. So much for Damon pulling out Malcolm’s heart being all that great of news.
The flash-forward – Three years in the future, we’re going to see that things are not exactly that great for the Brothers Salvatore. Stefan wakes Damon up from a long slumber, only to find out that the two, Stefan especially, is being hunted. This is the part of the story we’re extremely intrigued by, and we do love the idea of the two guys on the run, working together to solve a common enemy. That’s the sort of hook for the rest of the season that we need in this new era. Episode Grade: B.
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