Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Thomas Wenski set for ‘Late Show with Stephen Colbert’ appearances

Late Show -

Back when Stephen Colbert was a part of “The Colbert Report,” it was hard to imagine that any Republican Presidential candidate would want to stop by. Isn’t it clear now that things have very much changed?

Today, CBS confirmed the third week of guests for the new “Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” and the network continues to show boldness and an interest in having unique guests on for interviews. It’s different from the typical late-night mold, which is just to interview various celebrities. Some of them are still on the roster, but the show is very much mixing things up. Take a look below.

September 21 – NBA MVP Steph Curry and Senator Ted Cruz. We have to assume that the infamous bacon video is going to be discussed, right?

September 22 – Donald Trump, U.S. Secretary of Energy Dr. Ernest Moniz, and musical performance by Raury. The Moniz interview is probably the most fascinating when it comes to learning something new. Meanwhile, the Trump interview is mostly just going to be great for comedy.

September 23 – Actor Hugh Jackman and founder of the Global Poverty Project Hugh Evans, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and musical performance by Pearl Jam. Seriously, Pearl Jam? Colbert’s getting interesting even with his musical guests.

September 24 – Author Andrew Sullivan, Journalist and Activist Maria Shriver, Comedian Jim Gaffigan, and Archbishop Thomas Wenski. We’re not sure how Stephen is going to cram four guests into an episode, but it should be interesting to see.

September 25 – Nobel Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, Actress Kerry Washington, and musical performance by The Arcs. Closing the week off strong, we’d say.

Colbert’s show did fall behind “The Tonight Show” last night in the 18-49 demographic, but we’d argue that there was a pretty good reason for that.

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