‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Did Steve campaign too hard before Veto Ceremony?
Here is the funny thing today about the “Big Brother” house going into the Veto Ceremony for the week — we’re starting to get the feeling that Austin more or less had his mind made up on what he wanted to do the moment that Vanessa won the Power of Veto, but had to go through this whole charade to act like he was listening.
As of last night, it is still Austin’s preference to keep the nominations the same, and then work to send Johnny Mac home. He is seemingly the most worried about what he can do moving forward, even though most of the house is freaking out Steve. At the moment, Austin seems ready to blame Steve campaigning hard for a different result as the reason why these two need to be split up in the game.
We’re not sure that this is really a good move at all for Austin to be making, mostly because one of the reasons he is doing it seemingly is because he likes having James and Meg in the house. Let’s throw this out there: Becky, Shelli, or Jackie comes back in the game, and they and James win consecutive Heads of Household. Who is going to be going home? Think Austin and one of the twins or Vanessa. Meg’s not a great competition threat, but even she could win something that is memory or question-based. She’s not an idiot.
Ultimately, it just makes so much more sense from our standpoint to get rid of James, that way even if he returns you’re not shoring up a three-person alliance on that side. With Johnny Mac going, you’re almost guaranteed that whoever will return will work with them. He probably wouldn’t join Meg and James if he stayed this week, but he’ll feel bitter and betrayed with Austin getting rid of him.
We’ll bring you the results of the Veto Ceremony later today at the link here! Stay tuned. Also, sign up now to get some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)