‘UnREAL’ season 2 spoilers: When will the Lifetime series return to film?
At the moment, you really better brace yourselves for a long wait to get some more news on “UnREAL.” The incredible Lifetime series was a personal favorite over the course of the summer, but it’s now off the air. Not only that, but it is looking like it will be many months before you hear any casting news on really anything else on the show’s future.
According to executive producer Marti Noxon via TVLine, production on the second season probably will not begin until the spring of next year, a few months before it likely premieres again in the summer. We cannot see the show moving from that time of year, since that is when it seemed to perform well. The only reason we could see them moving potentially to a new night is if ABC decides to give “The Bacheorette” an aftershow similar to “After Paradise,” and you don’t want “UnREAL” directing competing against the very thing that it is skewering.
Noxon also added that Constance Zimmer is still “firmly committed” to this show, and her new role on “Agents of SHIELD” will not impact her availability here. This isn’t really a surprise on this end, given that she is probably under contract for more “UnREAL” given that Quinn is the heart and soul of the show and we really cannot imagine it without her.
With that said, we still cannot imagine just what “UnREAL” season 2 will actually be. Season 1 ended with a botched wedding, Jeremy publicly humiliating Rachel, and then going to her mother and explaining that she’s gone off the deep end. Maybe we have a new “Everlasting,” a spin-off series focusing on some characters from the first season, or a role-reversal where one woman is choosing between the guys.
We’ll have more news all summer over at the link here, so stay tuned for more! Also, you can sign up here to get some further TV scoop on just about everything we cover, sent right to you courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Lifetime.)