‘Power’ season 2, episode 8 preview: Ghost wants Tommy to escape

To think, if this was the first season of “Power,” we would be sitting here thinking that tonight would be the last episode we would be seeing for a good twelve months or so. Luckily, that is not happening now.

We already know going into this episode Saturday thinking that Lobos wants to dispatch Tommy from the equation, thinking that he no longer serves a use and it would be easier to just work with Ghost without that sort of distraction around complicating things. Speaking of complications, though, let’s talk a little now about what Tommy’s role in all of this is going to be. The sneak peek below is strictly a conversation between himself and Ghost, and the latter makes his philosophy very clear: He wants Tommy to get out. He knows right now where the bodies are (metaphorically) buried, and regardless of whether or not this scene happens before or after Ghost’s chat with Lobos about doing away with Tommy, he still knows there are many out there who want Tommy literally in the ground.

Doing away with Tommy would certainly make matters easier for Ghost given where Holly and Angela stand at the moment; unfortunately, Tommy doesn’t seem interested in bolting. He instead wants to work on taking out Lobos, and potentially getting everyone a little bit of a bigger piece as a result.

As you can imagine, isn’t this going to cause more problems? This is precisely why tonight’s episode is so problematic from start to finish. We’ll have more coverage of it in due time, so stay tuned.

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