‘The Last Ship’ season 2 spoilers: Is there still hope for Michener?
Tomorrow night, “The Last Ship” is going to be back with another new episode, and this is an important one for determining whether or not there is a potential strategy that Tom Chandler and the crew of the Nathan James have for defeating the Ramseys and the Immunes. One of the major forces at the center of almost everything is going to be Jeffrey Michener. This is a man who has a journey ahead of him that could lead to him becoming the President of the United States … or at least what is left of it. Is there still a hope that he can be a good leader, or is he destined more to be just a puppet for immune causes?
We do not want to give away too much about the events of Sunday night’s new episode here, but we will tell you that one way or another, you will find out whether or not Michener is truly against Chandler and the Nathan James during the hour. Either he is speaking out for the Immunes willingly, he is trying to just stay alive, or he just feels forced to for one reason or another. All are worthy possibilities to consider.
For fun, we’ll go ahead and share one more tease from the synopsis of the August 2 episode entitled “Safe Zone”:
“Still trying to piece together Dr. Hunter’s lost formula, Rachel grapples with the fact that Niels, her sworn enemy, is now on board Nathan James…”
We will be back after the episode with a little more on that, and also a full take on what “Alone and Unafraid” brings to the table.
If you missed it, head over here to read our full review of this past episode of “The Last Ship” today! Also, you can sign up here to get some other TV news shipped right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: TNT.)