‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Highlights from a quieter evening

Shelli -This is what happens when you get rid of Audrey from “Big Brother“. For the most part, this was a pretty quiet Friday night, with the biggest reason for that being that there seems to be a pretty decided-upon plan in the house.

To make things even more embarrassing for Austin, he does seem to have utterly no clue what is really going on. At least Liz following her Battle of the Block win seemed to think that there was a bigger plan, and suspects that James tried to throw the competition. She realizes that Steve is not a big enough player to be the primary target for an eviction. What Austin ultimately has to realize between now and the Veto (if he even gets to play in it) is that he actually does need to win it, and that he needs to leave nominations the same. That’s the only situation where he doesn’t lose any power, since we figure he could rope in Steve if he realizes that Vanessa and company were turning on him.

There has also been a lot of silly complaining tonight. For example, Meg has complained at length when it comes to Steve being awkward, and then we had some complaining that Liz is suddenly good at competitions when she needs to be. There was also some sort of technical glitch during the Battle of the Block that was a hot topic for everyone.

Ultimately, reassurance was the name of the game tonight that all would work out. For example, Shelli reassured Clay he was fine, while Johnny Mac reassured Becky that if she could survive a train, she could survive this week. (Seriously, he said some variation of this. We can’t make this sort of stuff up!)

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