‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Battle of the Block winners; ramifications for Liz, James

JamesWhile there was some drama around the Battle of the Block today in the “Big Brother” house, it is also a somewhat interesting situation here given that the winners and losers really did not matter much, other than having to see Clay complain about being on the block in the event that he somewhat stayed there. Steve and Austin are really the big targets, and Vanessa set herself well so that really the only possible scenario where neither Liz, Austin, nor Steve was evicted was in the event Clay and Becky somehow lost the battle, and then someone like Steve or Johnny Mac won the Veto and decided not to use it. The odds of those specific things happening are low, especially since James said beforehand he would throw the competition to keep him and Liz on the block.

Did that happen? well, not so much. James and Liz actually did win the battle! James is already worried that people are mad at him, but this may have been a challenge that was somewhat hard to throw.

The biggest thing that does come out of this is that it makes it official that Liz and Julia are now both going to be able to enter the house together, since she is now immune from eviction. It also means that there is a slight chance for craziness this week depending on what happens. Vanessa could decide that she doesn’t want to look like a traitor, and therefore she could try to get Becky out of the house … unlikely as it is. The question here is whether or not she will actually pull the trigger on Austin or try Steve instead.

As we mentioned, the only situation still where Vanessa’s plan for the week completely bombs is if someone wins the Veto and doesn’t play it. Then, Becky may be making a surprise exit, or maybe everyone will make a big move against Clay?

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