‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Austin implodes more; mass strategy paranoia

austinHas a player gone from being good to bad in a way that is similar to Austin on “Big Brother 17“? This is a guy who a few weeks ago, we were starting to think was a real force to actually go far in this game. He had a strategic mind for relationships, and we actually were willing to put up with the whole Judas nonsense.

Since that time, the guy has completely lost his mind, mostly because of his infatuation with Liz. By the same token, Liz has hurt herself for both having a twin and associating with him. Austin ratted out the twin twist last night to Jason, and told him basically that he was fine getting rid of Julia pre-jury because he wanted to be effectively alone with Liz in jury. (Creepy.) He has since lied to Vanessa’s face about it, and seems like she, Clay, and Shelli now have no problem cutting bait with him if need be.

What we are really getting now are a serious of long-winded strategy talks between Clay, Shelli, and Vanessa about what she should do, who should throw the competition, and so on. What we’ve heard for now is that Jackie seems to want to keep Steve as a backdoor target in case Austin doesn’t work out, and that Clay is willing to go up as a pawn in order to help ensure that a Battle of the Block is won somewhere. That’s the same reason Becky is being considered, since she’s regarded as a competition threat.

Of course, the idea is also being discussed to get Johnny Mac to throw another competition, which Shelli doesn’t want to do since she figures that sooner or later he’ll get tired of this. (This just in: Her already has.)

Hopefully, we’ll have some more clarity in the morning, but Jackie and Vanessa seem to be at least somewhat on the same page when it comes to targets. Granted, we still don’t understand the idea for Vanessa being okay with getting Austin out over someone like Jason or James, who are clearly against her on the other side of the house. Austin’s a bad player, but he’s a meat shield for now.

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