‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Operation Audrey; Jackie has suspicions

Jackie -Who would’ve thought that we would be praising Jackie for something on “Big Brother” this weekend? While we are not sure it will get her anywhere, we are starting to get the sense that she is the only person really taking what Audrey is saying tonight serious … though many should.

This afternoon and tonight during primetime, Audrey went on a blitz telling James and others about many of Clay and Shelli’s alliances, saying that she was working with them and they turned their back on her. James started to believe her at first, but then Meg, Jason, and Clay all helped to sort of talk him out of it. Jackie, meanwhile, at least thought there was logic to it based on some of the nominations.

Shelli of course is fuming as a result of this, mostly because the majority of what Audrey is telling people is true and she can’t have that going on in the house. She wants backdooring her to be a “house decision,” and that brings us to our next point…

The one thing that we feel we’ve learned about Shelli’s game that can be used against her in upcoming weeks is that she’s very concerned with playing the America game. Therefore, she wants to justify many of her moves and is very invested in trying to make herself someone people can root for. That makes her an easier target down the line, because it will leave her open to some strategic errors. She’s just covered well right now by there being a common enemy in the game.

The only case Audrey can offer people now is that she will be a bigger target than them, and we’ll just have to figure out if that works.

Oh, and for those curious we’re going on Rob Has a Podcast to talk a little bit about this season. We’ll give you a clear link once that is done and online!

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