‘The Fosters’ season 3 spoilers: Prepare to meet Rita’s daughter

The Fosters -The Fosters” is going to be using Rosie O’Donnell on a somewhat-regular basis the next few episodes, and we cannot really blame them for it. We feel like thanks to all of the talk over the past several decades about her acting career and whatnot, her skill as an actress has been somewhat overlooked.

Another reason we are happy to see her on this show is mostly because we really do like the character of Rita. She’s interesting in that she is a mentor of sorts to Callie, but at the same time also very complicated and dealing with her own issues underneath the surface. Some of these are going to become at least a little more apparent on “Daughters,” which is the upcoming August 3 episode of the series. Want to know more? Then take a look at the short synopsis below:

“When Rita’s (guest star Rosie O’Donnell) daughter shows up unexpectedly, Callie sees a different side of Rita and learns the reason behind their strained relationship. Stef discovers a new lead in the hit-and-run case. Brandon confronts his moms about the tensions in the house.”

What this show does really well is show some complicated relationships between family members. We saw this recently, for example, on the episode entitled “More Than Words.” If we continue to have these little updates and moments to get to know characters better, we’ll be thrilled … at least so long as they don’t become the crutch that the show relies on. That has not happened yet, so there is less of a reason for concern.

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