‘Big Brother Canada 3’ exclusive: Sindy Nguyen explains unbalanced jury questions, more
When we were planning to post these “Big Brother Canada” finale interviews, we at first thought that we would just go in order from the winner down to JP, who technically was not a voting member of the jury at the time that all was said and done. However, we’re changing course here slightly because of Sindy, who really knocked her interview out of the park. She gave us some really interesting insight not just on some of her own moves, but also addressed the big controversy from last night: Why didn’t Godfrey get more questions from the jury?
The only downside is that we talked to Sindy near the end of the day, so we did not get a chance to ask some of the other players about some of what she had to say here. (Sindy talks about the jury questions at the bottom of the interview.)
CarterMatt – So how have the past several hours been for you? Have you gotten a chance to learn a lot about events from the game and the outside world?
Sindy Nguyen – I think I was more focused on congratulating people and saying how well people did, but I didn’t really want to take a lot of information in. I know that the First Four wanted to come in and talk about [the game], but at a I certain point I was like ‘I don’t want to talk about gameplans. I just want to congratulate and celebrate with people.’
You’re in an interesting position, Sindy. Given that you got to spend some time in sequester with the First Four and then also the jury, do you think you got to know more people personally than anyone this season?
I did and I didn’t. I feel like the First Four, because they were in the game and still competing, I got to know them on a personal level but you could tell the game was still there. We would try to psych each other out because we were still competing, and maybe we would get in their heads. We would share information and it’s a lot of game talk. In jury, there is always someone coming in, but I don’t often get to know them until the third or fourth day, where they go through all of their phases. They come in at first all about game, and then I get to talk with them about their personal life.
I actually feel like I connected least with some of the other houseguests because we didn’t get the same time in the house, and once we got to jury a lot of them already made relationships and friendships. People would talk to certain people, and I was mostly by myself and would just talk to them when I wanted to talk to them. I was kind of in a different scenario, to be honest.
You were tremendous television most of the season because you were always playing very hard, but was it hard for you to ever slow down? Is that something that’s just not a part of your natural personality?
My original plan in the house was to lay low, but I was obviously put on the block immediately and that kind of pushed me [hard]. For the second week if that HoH Competition didn’t happen I could have really laid low, but then because of that [group conversation that Kevin walked in on], it really sealed my fate. People started talking about me and, because it was early in the game and people really needed a target, I was easy to evict.
Me coming back, there was no me laying low! I was safe because I won the immunity, but I found out that if [I hadn’t won that immunity], they would have taken JP down and put me up instead. The following week I knew was on the block, regardless of whether or not I lied about the JP vote. I would’ve always been the first person on that block because I was an easy target. I felt like my strategy of laying low ended. I was like ‘fight fight fight’ and that never ended.
Let’s talk about Bobby a little bit, because you guys were almost arch-rivals in the game. I mean I just talked to him, and he said you got along fine in jury, but why couldn’t you guys get on the same page?
I don’t know, to be honest! I think for me I would ask him certain questions like ‘why did you pretend cry [when this happened,’ and most of his answer was ‘I was trying to make good TV.’ That just rubbed me the wrong way. We never really got to know each other, and he didn’t really take initiative to talk with people. He didn’t want to work with me, and that rubbed me the wrong me. Then there were certain things he would say about me, but he wouldn’t say it to my face, so there was that scenario there.
He frustrated me so much. Outside of the game in jury we were fine; as for if we’ll be friends outside of the house, probably not. But I respected him in the jury house, but he did what was best for his game, and I did what was best for mine.
Let’s talk about Bobby’s fake Veto. Since you were there for that. What did you think about these shenanigans?
I knew it was a fake Veto because the way that he told me he found it, it didn’t make sense. I was just in that vault three days ago! I know how it works, and he was telling me he found two numbers under a mattress that was going to [do this and that] … It just didn’t make sense and I called him out for that.
But it was good for his game. He started telling people about it and he told me about it hoping that I would help it spread. But it got to the point where if he was going to use it to help him, I was going to use it against him to see if people were going to take me up on an [offer to flush it out], and I really pushed for that. He had an opportunity and he took it! I have a feeling that if it was just me in that vault, I may have done the same thing. I would start to talk about things related to [having] a secret power, then I would purposefully start talking about production so that I can get a message to ‘stop talking about production,’ just to make it seem like I wasn’t supposed to talk about the secret power. I would’ve used production like that.
I haven’t heard of people doing that very often with production.
It’s crazy! Brittnee and I did that a lot. We would sit down and talk about game, and there would be a number of people in the kitchen, and then we would start talking about the Diary Room and we’d get a ‘stop talking about production,’ and we would say ‘sorry, that’s us.’ It was a way to talk game, and using that to our advantage.
Let’s talk about jury. Did you know going in that you were voting for Sarah?
I really wanted to hear the speeches. I wish Godfrey got more questions. Unfortunately with it being so chaotic a lot of people forgot who they were supposed to ask questions to, because JP and Bruno were supposed to ask Godfrey questions, and one other houseguest, as well. We were told if this was the final two, you are to ask this person a question and you are to ask this [other] person a question. We just found out that Ashleigh was the tenth jury member, and a lot of people were not able to process ‘oh now I’m supposed to ask this person a question,’ and we just went into it. I felt like that was a big disadvantage because I think there was a slight possibility that if I knew more about Godfrey’s game, he might have earned my vote. I knew Godfrey was a good gameplayer because I talked to him before, but during jury Bobby and Bruno couldn’t tell us what he was doing, so we had nothing to work on when it comes to that. It’s a hard situation, but I don’t want people to think that I voted for Sarah because of our alliance. She was an amazing gameplayer. Godfrey just didn’t have the chance to talk about his game.
We’ll get more in the jury-question debate when we get to our Bruno interview a little later. For now, just be sure to check out all of our “Big Brother Canada” finale coverage here, and sign up to get some other TV scoop on all we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)
May 29, 2015 @ 3:00 am
I thought Sindy was good with math. Allotting only 3 questions to Godfrey (with JP in the mix) is still very slanted. This Jury came in with an anyone but Godfrey persona. They revealed their criteria on the Side Show and it did not accommodate his game.
Overall very disappointing for a group of superfans.
May 29, 2015 @ 2:40 am
Well, I hope you watch the season and talk game with the first four, because you will see how amazing Godfrey was in that house. You cast a vote for the wrong person.
May 28, 2015 @ 7:37 pm
smell like BS matt!