‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Is the secret power no longer a secret?

Sarah -Tonight on “Big Brother Canada 3,” we had yet another reminder that there may have been something big that happened in the Have / Have-Not room earlier today. Unfortunately, we didn’t get a chance to see it. However, we do have a feeling that whatever competition Sarah and Brittnee played may have already happened.

Why is that? It is all about attitude. Sarah suddenly seems to have a slight spring in her step even as a Have-Not, and based on the way that she was acting / carrying herself while doing something so simple as buttering a bagel for Zach earlier, we think that she is already plotting in her head to get him out of the game this week. What makes this hard to figure out as a live-feed viewer is that she was probably told not to speak about her power to anyone or she would be automatically evicted from the game.

For now, our theory here is that potentially she was called to the Diary Room for the explanation of the power; Brittnee may know she has one, but she may not know just what it does.

Anyhow, our feeling at least from watching the feeds tonight is that Sarah likely won the secret competition, and should be able to create some really entertaining antics come the live show. We could be wrong, but we’ll see. As for the other players, they should realize that something terribly weird is going on when they don’t get a chance to have a normal Veto Ceremony. There are very few circumstances where something outside of the ordinary happens with the PoV Ceremony! (Of course, there are plenty of weird happenings otherwise.)

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