‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Brittnee and Sarah’s temporary misery
Today, “Big Brother Canada” is doing something that will certainly make for some great TV segments on the next few shows, but is really a pretty cruel thing to do to a pair of the players in Brittnee and Sarah.
Here is what is going down. Brittnee and Sarah were named Have-Nots earlier today, and have since been isolated from many of the other players, and have descended into tears, vomiting, and a sense of overall self-pity. There have been apologies (Sarah to Bruno, as the two fought after the triple-eviction show), and Sarah claims that this is one of her worst fears: That Canada does not like her. Obviously, things are going to be very different when she learns that one of the two of them is going to win a special power that they can use to flip the entire house.
We’ve thought a lot today about what would be the best way to do this, and the answer is simple: Almost any way that gets rid of Zach. He has the most protection of any of the real threats, and while Bruno may be a dangerous player, Godfrey is the only other player he’s close to. Zach has both Ashleigh, Pilar, and to a certain extent Bruno. Also, this would be more poetic since Ashleigh has been spending some time lately doing a very polite version of dancing atop Brittnee’s game-grave.
Emotionally, we’re still conflicted: We like to root for the underdogs, and the Fembots are certainly that. We’ve just never liked twists like the coup d’etat, especially this late in the game, where outside forces come in and change everything. At least here there’s no guarantee a single person wins it; it’s not like it is handed directly to Big Jeff and Jessie gets screwed out of the game.
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