‘Once Upon a Time’ season 4 finale video: Rumpelstiltskin … the valiant?

Once -Once Upon a Time” is getting set to unleash some heroes and villains on you for its two-hour finale Sunday night, but what may be surprising to you in this installment is who is who. We’ve already seen video proof that the events of the Author are bringing Snow White over to the dark side, while Regina will suddenly be in Snow’s old place.

Meanwhile, the latest sneak peek below shows us that if things had gone a different way, we could have had one of the bravest knights of all in … Rumpelstiltskin? Yes, it may be completely insane, but Robert Carlyle’s character in this world seems to have a heart of gold. Just take a look at how he saves Henry and the Author in the sneak peek below. Seemingly, this may be one of the few universes we’ve seen Rumple in where he may not have a full scope of knowledge in regards to his past.

This finale could place Henry into the position of hero, responsible for saving the lives of most everyone around him. It’s not a position that we are particularly accustomed to seeing the character in, but you have to consider here those around him are not really going to be in any position to help themselves. They’re going to need a little bit of help to figure this one, if they do figure it out at all. Isn’t this more fun when there is a little bit of ambiguity on what happens?

Given that the series was renewed already for a fifth season, you at least have no reason to worry about this being the end of the road. Even if there is a tied-up ending this season, there will be more to come.

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