‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Gender warfare; what is Bruno doing?
Tonight has definitely been rather active on “Big Brother Canada 3,” but we are wondering for the most part whether or not this is anything important, or just complete jibber-jabber meant to pass the time and stir up trouble.
Let’s focus here first on Bruno’s lengthy conversation with Zach tonight, one where he tried to convince him that working with him and Bobby (if he stays) may be better than Kevin and Pilar, using the Bobby nomination in many ways as evidence that he is not exactly doing what Zach wants the majority of the time. This is a plan that interesting preaches more of the Chop Shop mentality, since they could go through most of the rest of the house. He also referred to Sarah yet again as “poison,” which is one of his favorite things to do.
Is Bruno really considering this, or just buttering up Zach so that he can get him to target some of the women in the house for the triple eviction? They are both good questions. Ashleigh was present for the conversation, but she was not that active in it. Why is this important? It sets up an interesting dynamic that could lead to the men and women facing off much of the rest of the season.
You see, we are not entirely sure that Ashleigh will keep Bruno’s information from the likes of Sarah and Brittnee, and they will not join forces to start eliminating some of the men and eventually Zach. Ashleigh has at least some strategy, and Zach sees her almost as next to nothing strategically.
One other motivation for Bruno? Maybe he wants to be able to throw the HoH competition, though we think that would be really stupid and he won’t do it once he realizes two people will be going home.
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