‘Finding Carter’ season 2, episode 6 review: Crash makes a big decision
Sometimes, doing the right thing is not always doing the easy thing, but we don’t always expect some of the characters on MTV’s “Finding Carter” to know that. These people are still young, and as we have seen time and time again on the series, they are also privy to making a pretty wide array of mistakes.
Crash has been the epitome of errors throughout the series. He has done many bad things, and while you can make the whole nature-versus-nurture argument here, he still made the decisions that led to his actions. He cannot be redeemed completely without effort, and tonight he showed a wide range of that.
Interestingly, though, he made quite possibly more effort than at any other time when he made the move to actually leave town, leaving behind a note to Carter telling her that he loved her, but that he also needed a fresh start to get away from it all. In turn, this also probably allows her and her family to be the safest, since it protects them from his wide array of baggage (and he has plenty of that when you stop and think about it).
By the end of tonight’s episode, we felt slightly better for Crash as a character, but he does still have a long ways to go.
Meanwhile, we are admittedly very worried about Taylor, who is starting to resort to drug use as a way to ease the pain. That is never good, and given that this is just episode 6, she’s going to need to find some sort of support system, and fast. Grade: B-.
What did you think about tonight’s episode, and do you think that Taylor’s struggles now will become a long-term issue? Share now, and click here to preview more of the next episode! Also, you can sign up in the event you want to get some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: MTV.)