NBC’s ‘The Voice’ rankings: Sawyer Fredericks, Kimberly Nichole, Meghan Linsey still top list

Sawyer -While the field may be narrowing on “The Voice” this season, we don’t really think that there is any real difference when it comes to who is at the top of the charts. How can there be when you’ve got a guy who has scored in the iTunes top 10 every week since the top 12, and also a woman who can sing her face off every week? Oh, and there is also a known commodity in the world of country music who has Blake Shelton has a mentor. How do you topple these three and earn a ticket to the finale? It’s going to be tricky.

As always, we based on rankings based on iTunes sales, performance quality, YouTube views, perceived popularity, and even the popularity of the coach since that seems to matter.

6. India Carney – This really is not any indication of her doing anything wrong. It’s just that this field is stacked, and we have three singers left who also perform music that is relatively similar. It’s hard to see all of them getting to the finale this way.

5. Joshua Davis – It’s really hard to get a read on Josh. Two weeks ago, he barely made it to the next round. Now, he’s coming off of his highest-charting iTunes performance to date. Which version of Joshua is ultimately going to show up?

4. Koryn Hawthorne – Two very good performances in a row have Koryn in a much better place than we had her a matter of weeks ago. The only reason that she is not higher here is because in our mind the top three are still fairly locked into place.

3. Meghan Linsey – Now that she is the only remaining artist on Blake Shelton’s team, she is almost more dangerous than she was before. There’s no longer any substantial competition for her to go up against when it comes to the country vote. We actually think this focus helped Craig Wayne Boyd in particular last season.

2. Kimberly Nichole – Probably the best chance to upset Sawyer Fredericks, at least if she gets to the finale and reminds everyone that she is one of the best singers that we have ever heard. Seriously, she’s that good. She just needs to get there, which could be difficult if she falls off slightly.

1. Sawyer Fredericks – He is the biggest favorite on the show since Christina Grimmie, but you have to remember that she didn’t win her season. Everything seems set up for him now to go the distance, but we do still think that he needs to be a little more adventurous in his song choice to get to the net level.

Tomorrow, we’ll be back sharing some “Voice” song spoilers over at the link here. Stay tuned! Also, sign up to get some other TV news worth singing about via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: NBC.)


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