‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony aftermath
The Veto Ceremony is now over on “Big Brother Canada 3” Sunday, and we have a situation that we have seen in the majority of the past few weeks: The Power of Veto not being used. Kevin decided after a lengthy debate not to play his Veto, mostly as a way to try and flush a secret Veto out if Bobby really had one. Since he very clearly does not, this means that he did not backdoor Bruno, which was his original plan to try to get him out of the game. Bobby and Brittnee remain on the block.
So who gets the credit for convincing him to go with this move? We are actually going to give a slight compliment here to Pilar, who we have been fairly harsh about over the past several weeks and someone not really influencing the game. The only real issue with keeping these nominations the same is simple: It forces the hand of the one-time Chop Shop. If Zach and Ashleigh do not want Bobby to know the truth about them not working together, they will keep him, and if Godfrey and Bruno do the same thing, Brittnee goes home.
It is probably a little too early to really give much of a ruling on this, as there is still a little bit of time for a variety of different moves to be made. For now, we’ll say that Bobby has a disadvantage strategically in that we’re not sure he knows how to actually play the game, and that means that keeping himself safe is not going to be an easy thing to do.
Also, doesn’t the guy know that anyone who has sat against Brittnee has went home in near-unanimous fashion? Naeha was the only exception, and that was due to some pity votes.
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