‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Did Bobby bring about his own demise?
We had no idea that a fake Power of Veto from Bobby would end up becoming such a major part of “Big Brother Canada” this season, but it may end up being the thing now that secures his fate, and at the same time, ensures that Bruno ends up living to see another day.
Late Saturday Kevin and Pilar had a lengthy conversation about they wanted to do, and they made it fairly clear that they had no interest in ensuring that Godfrey goes home, even if that is what Zach and Ashleigh want for the sake of preserving their alliance. They figure that in keeping Godfrey safe, they ensure that he will not want to target them for at least a little while longer. Meanwhile, Bobby has never really talked game with either one of them, and did previously put Kevin on the block as Head of Household.
Here is where Bruno may be actually benefiting for Bobby’s own insanity. Thanks to the Secret Veto, Kevin is too afraid of having to put someone up who is not one of those two guys. Therefore, he seems tonight to have settled on a plan that is keeping Bobby and Brittnee on the block, and then backdooring Bruno (his real target) in the event that he has a chance to do so after the Secret Veto. He’s fine with Bobby going, and signs point to this happening if he stays on the block.
Of course, you do have to wonder if Bobby will actually go home. Zach and Ashleigh could decide to keep him, and if they do and Bruno and Godfrey go with them, Bobby will be safe. We don’t see Sarah turning on Brittnee now, even though she is somewhat of a strategic liability given how much she seems unhappy to be there.
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